to Wiregrass Farms website, home of Greg Aplin, Ed Meadows and Tony
Wells horse farms. We are thankful to have you view this site as we
begin a new venture between the three of us to offer quality gaited
horses through the following breeds: Double Registered TWH/McCurdy,
McCurdy Plantation, and Spotted/TWH.
All of us have been breeding different types of horses for the past 15
to 25 years. During this time we have owned quarter horses and gaited
horses. It is our belief that most people today are looking for one of
three types of horses: pleasure or trail, performance, and/or field
trial. In looking at the types of horses that we have owned or
presently own, we knew that we couldn’t meet all of these types.
Therefore, the three of us set out to find a breed or combination of
breeds that we feel could do all three.
After meeting a lot of great people and looking at what they were
doing and meeting many of the current founders of the McCurdy
Plantation horse, we made our decision. It is our goal to offer
to breed and sell quality horses that meet the following
characteristics: Confirmation, Calm Disposition, Versatile, Smooth
Gait, and Great Stamina.
Take a look at the three pictures below. Each picture represents one
of our three farms. Click on each farm and let us share our horses
with you.